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9 Keys to Happiness in Your 60s and Beyond: Do you do them all?

9 Keys to Happiness in Your 60s and Beyond: Do you do them all?

In recent years, global interest in the Blue Zones—regions where individuals lead remarkably long lives—has grown. These areas include Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. So, what can these regions teach us about living long, happy lives beyond middle age?

After interviewing 263 individuals aged 100 and beyond, Dan Buettner of the Blue Zones Project synthesized their lifestyle principles into nine fundamental elements contributing to their long and fulfilling lives. Read on to discover the keys to happiness in your 60s and beyond.

1. Move Naturally:

seniors on a walk

The longevity champions don't engage in intense workouts but live in environments that encourage constant movement. They cultivate gardens, eschew mechanical conveniences, and embrace joyful walks for everyday activities.

2. Purpose:

spending time with grandkids

Termed "ikigai" in Okinawa and "plan de vida" in Nicoya, having a profound sense of purpose beyond work is a common trait. Research indicates that knowing one's purpose can add up to seven years to life. For a lot of people in their 60s and 70s, purpose is, unsurprisingly, found through bonding with their grandkids.

3. Downshift:

seniors taking a nap

Despite experiencing stress, individuals in Blue Zones have routines that alleviate it. Whether through moments of reflection, prayer, naps, or shared happy hours, they manage stress to prevent chronic inflammation.

4. The 80% Rule for Meals:

senior eating a small meal

Following the Confucian mantra "hara hachi bu," they stop eating when their stomachs are 80% full. Meals are smaller in the late afternoon or early evening, with no further consumption for the rest of the day.

5. Plant Slant:

seniors eating vegetarian meal

Most Blue Zones diets emphasize beans, limiting meat consumption to an average of five times per month in modest servings.

6. Wine at 5PM:

seniors having wine

Moderate alcohol consumption is a common practice, with individuals enjoying one to two glasses per day with friends and/or meals. According to many recent studies moderate drinkers tend to outlive nondrinkers.

7. Belong:

church congregation

The majority of centenarians belong to faith-based communities, showcasing the potential to add four to 14 years of life expectancy by attending religious services regularly.

8. Put Family First:

family spending time together

Aging relatives are kept close, lowering disease and mortality rates for their children. Prioritizing time and love for families contributes to life expectancy. The tales of your life can keep family bonds strong, leaving a legacy for your children and grandkids. Why not weave the tapestry of your life into a beautifully bound book that becomes a cherished family heirloom?

Grandkids.com can help you capture your life story as a memoir, so your kids and grandkids can benefit from your wisdom for decades to come. If you're thinking about how you'll be remembered and you'd like to explore how we can write your family history and life story down for you, please contact us. Here are two easy ways:

1. You can call us right now (1-800-296-8099) and we'll gladly talk with you about what your goals are and how interviewing normally goes.

2. You can fill out this simple contact form and we'll reply to set up a time to talk:

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9. Find the Right Tribe:

senior book club

Long-lived individuals surround themselves with social circles that endorse healthy behaviors. Okinawans, for example, form "moais"—lifelong commitments to groups of five friends. Research supports the idea that health behaviors are influenced by social networks.


While adherence to these principles doesn't guarantee reaching 100 years, it significantly increases the likelihood of adding more joyful years to one's life.

The story of your long and happy life can become an enduring source of inspiration to future generations of your family with Grandkids.com’s Leave a Legacy packages. With a written record, when your grandkids or great-grandkids seek insights into who you were and the values you cherished, they’ll be able to read your story. If you're interested in Grandkids.com helping you capture your life story as a memoir, please contact us. Here are two easy ways:

1. Call us right now (1-800-296-8099) and we'll gladly talk with you about what your goals are and how interviewing normally goes.

2. Fill out this simple contact form and we'll reply to set up a time to talk.

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